The innovative impact of personal branding in service industries

21 June 2024
By Reece Reid

Personal branding is a buzzword that we are starting to hear more and more frequently, but what can it actually do for your business?

First and foremost, what is a personal brand? It’s a culmination of the experiences, skills, and values that differentiate you, and it’s how you want people to see you. Personal branding is the process of defining and promoting what you stand for as an individual.

At FDC, our expertise lies in crafting authentic personal brands on LinkedIn for C-Suite executives in service-based and B2B industries, and the results we’ve generated for our clients speak for themselves. Here’s how personal branding can help your business:

The power of personal branding for established IT firms

Personal branding is vital for leaders in IT firms, especially those that have been in business for more than eight years. The IT industry is highly competitive, and a strong personal brand can be what separates you and your business from the rest of the pack.

We have more than a few clients in the IT sector, but one that stands out in particular is an individual who operates in cybersecurity in Southeast Asia. Our team leveraged his easygoing, laid back personality to craft an authentic personal brand for him, and combined with his vast knowledge in the field resulted in him becoming a champion in his industry in the Southeast Asia region.

Since he started as a personal branding client with us two years ago, the results have been nothing short of exemplary. His LinkedIn profile has amassed nearly 13,000 unique views, an average of 8,000 to 10,000 impressions per week through content, and countless leads that were converted into paying clients. This significantly increased his profits all as a result of personal branding.

Elevating healthcare practices through personal branding

Healthcare practices operate on trust and credibility, and a personal brand is one of the best ways for your practice to exhibit this. More than that, an authentic personal brand will humanise your healthcare practice and add to its approachability.

One of our newest healthcare clients owns a number of rehabilitation clinics across South Africa and Belgium. To date our service has improved the visibility of his account significantly, as we’ve seen 525.9% increase in post impressions in only one month, which has led to a notable improvement to their credibility.

In this same month with our service, his business already received two patient referrals through LinkedIn.

Financial services: Leveraging personal branding for business growth

As we’ve said above, personal branding is a great way to build trust in your brand, and this is done through increasing transparency in the way you conduct business. For financial services firms, trust is vital. According to a survey conducted by State Street Global Advisors, 69% of clients say that trustworthiness is the most important attribute for a financial advisor to have.

Additionally, Russell Investments, found that eight in 10 clients would be more confident, more likely to keep, and more willing to refer an advisor who communicates more often and more personally.

Bob Skinstad, the former Springbok rugby star, is one of our longest-standing clients, and currently works in the financial services industry at Elixrr in the UK. He has benefited immensely since joining our service, as he experienced a 244% increase in followers, and has generated 60 high-value leads, many of which were converted into actual clients.

Legal services: The role of personal branding in establishing expertise

Legal firms can benefit from personal branding, too! By highlighting their specific areas of expertise, sharing case studies, and offering insights into what’s happening in the industry, they can demonstrate their in-depth knowledge and skills and further establish their authority and expertise in a comprehensive and relatable way.

One of our clients is a commercial lawyer based out of Cape Town who has been able to get great value out of our personal branding offering. He was able to pay for our services multiple times over with the leads we helped generate and convert.

When engaging with his clients, many of them mentioned they’d seen his activity on LinkedIn and that was the reason they opted to choose him as their commercial lawyer.

Advisory companies: Strengthening your personal brand to reach the right clients

Advisory companies and personal branding go hand in hand because you’re effectively selling your people and yourself to the consumer. This is when your personal brand can really come into play and show off your personality, authenticity, and credibility.

One of our clients is an executive coach based in Southeast Asia who operates nearly entirely on his reputation, as the market is very oversaturated. By working with FDC, he has been able to secure business and make even more of a name for himself in the region. He is also a published author, and we have managed to successfully promote his book and secure bulk sales through LinkedIn.

Now you’ve seen the stats. You’ve seen how properly executed personal branding can significantly improve your business.

For more info on how you too can benefit from our services, visit our website or email [email protected] to book a consultation.

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