Is your digital house in order?

12 July 2024
By Reece Reid

Having a great product or service is a good place to start, but that’s not enough on its own for a business to succeed. Now, more than ever, you need to get your digital house in order to make a lasting impression on potential customers.

You need to ensure the foundations of your marketing and branding have been set up effectively, including everything from your logo to your website. This is the first step in forging deeper connections with your customers, maximising your acquisition and retention, and ultimately creating sustainable and profitable growth.

In this guide, we’ll be showing you exactly how to do that:

Creating a standout logo

Your logo is the face of your brand and is often the first thing your customers will notice. According to a study conducted by Stanford University, 75% of consumers judge a brand’s credibility based on its logo design.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, your logo should:

  • Be simple and recognisable
  • Solidify your brand identity
  • Differentiate you from your competitors
  • Be versatile enough to work well across different screen sizes and orientations

Don’t overthink things, though. A study conducted by Survey Monkey, found that a brand with a simple logo design is more likely to be recommended by 64% of consumers.

Building an exceptional website

While your customers might notice your logo first, their next step will be to head over to your website. Your website is the core of your brand’s online presence, and regardless of your industry, it can have a massive impact on your success.

According to a study found in Behaviour and Information Technology, 0.05 seconds is all it takes for users to form an opinion about your website that will determine whether they’ll stay or leave. 

Here are some tips for you to consider to improve the various aspects of your website: 

The content and copy on your website needs to: 

  • Be engaging and informative
  • Highlight your value proposition
  • Address your audience’s needs and interests 

The design and user experience on your website needs to: 

  • Be intuitively laid out and easy to navigate
  • Have a unified visual identity
  • Be designed responsively for seamless experiences across various devices 

From a technical perspective, your website needs to:

  • Be performance-optimised and have fast page load times
  • Have strong security protocols like HTTPS
  • Be optimised for search engine visibility and rankings

Developing a visual identity that resonates

Your visual identity is more than just your logo. It includes design elements like colour, typography, imagery, and iconography that work together to represent your brand. Basically, your visual identity is how your brand presents itself visually to the world and distinguishes itself from competitors.

According to Psychological Science, 7 seconds is all it takes for people to form an impression of your brand. With that in mind, here are some tips when crafting your visual identity: 

  • Your imagery should reflect your brand personality.
  • Your typography and font styles should be unique, readable, and on-brand.
  • You should have a distinct and appealing colour palette that aligns with your brand.
  • There should be a unified look and feel across all of your digital platforms.
  • You should create a comprehensive document outlining how to use your visual elements effectively. 

The success of any business depends on various factors, but branding and marketing play a significant role. If you feel your digital house is out of order, following the tips above should be a great place to get it back on track.

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